Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh man what a lazy day


Dallas: Facade Rendering

Dallas: Model Renderings

Dallas Object IDs

These are the raddest.

Dallas: Peaks Render

I dont think this view is necessary, but wanted to show you the sun-side facades.

Dallas: Street Render

Not working yet, awfully ominous.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cow Contractor

"A cow (named Paulina) was then allowed to eat away the remaining hay bales to reveal the interior space over the course of a year."

haha there's already a cow tag?

Dallas: Frames

Back to basics.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dallas: Laserzzz

Sharon is getting a laser cutter for the building so I want to try and build these facades out of paper, or preferably plastic. Im not sure why anybody here needs a laser cutter though.

Dallas: Facade Net

This facade is just a projection of a net pattern over everything. I was running into problems at the corners with the arches version that I was looking at a few months ago and this resolves that. I think I looked at something similar during all the different facade trials, but don't remember why it didnt work out then. Possibly cause I was using just a plain grid instead of this eyelet/net pattern, and I didnt really like the way the grid projected. Or something.

Its also nice that it gives variation around the different elevations by default, via a single move and within the same family. And its easier to model.

AND there's an easy Energy Capture/Energy Net correlation we can make up.

Dallas: Entrances

Preference? The curved one makes more sense to me but I think it overemphasizes the facade pattern.