Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hiromitsu Shinkawa!

Hiromitsu Shinkawa!

Amid the despair and mourning, amid the worry over an unrelenting series of strong aftershocks, there was one bright moment on Sunday morning as Japanese naval forces rescued a 60-year-old man who had been riding the roof of his house for the past two days.

Hiromitsu Arakawa’s tiny home in the town of Minami-soma was torn from its foundations by the first wave of the tsunami that crashed ashore Friday afternoon, the defense ministry said. Mr. Arakawa saw his wife slip away in the deluge, and he clung to the roof as the house drifted away. He was discovered late Sunday morning, still on his roof, 9 miles south of his hometown and 9 miles out to sea.
- NYTimes

Friday, March 11, 2011


5.46pm GMT: So far, rising waters of around seven feet (just over two meters) have been reported on the coast of Oregon, where residents have evacuated low-lying areas. But there have been no reports of damage there or in northern California.

There are reports of surfers in Santa Cruz, California, out on the water attempting to ride the tsunami swells.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Inside Socal

Hardly a parody.