Monday, February 1, 2010

Family People

I like the hair dudes.


  1. sweet. I keep trying to pick a fav one.
    left page, last row, second from down cause she looks like Dee Dee, Dexter's sister.
    right page, first row, second from down, cause he looks like dancing silly.
    PS. on the website "two new issue-s-"

  2. huh? i think you had too much fish maybe? left page, last row, second from down is the guy thats breakdancing. the right page, first row, second from down is the guy walking down the stairs with his head cut off. that is if by "down" you mean "from the left". or maybe by left you mean right. and by row you mean column?

  3. haha.
    i meant column, not row.
    column. jeez, couldn't you tell?


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