Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kaohsiung Port Competition

This could be a good competition to do after the pool booklet is done and while we are shopping it around.

We would have to team up with a licensed architect.
The competition website doesnt seem to be working yet (bad sign?) but keep checking.

Port of Kaohsiung Passenger Transport District: Port and Cruise Service Center

Category: International
Type: Open, two-stage
Registration Deadline: 08/30/2010
Submission Deadline: 08/30/2010
Open To: Licensed Architects
Entry Fee: None
Awards: US $50,000 each 2nd stage finalist, design commission to winner
Jury: Hitoshi Abe, Maximiliano Fuksas, Hisao Kohyama, Shengfong Lin, Victor Y. Su, Yuan L. Tsai and Minghung Wang
Email: barry-cheng@umail.hinet.net
Website: http://www.pncsc.com.tw

More info at Death By Architecture


  1. UPDATE: The website only works with Explorer.

    And here's a link to the comp files:

  2. Oh, if that site link has problems use this:

    also Explorer only.


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