Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Very Good: Ryan McGinley

All from his Moonmilk series:

In my dreams I want Family to look like Ryan McGinley work.

The Moonmilk show is up at Alison Jacques Gallery in London until October 8th, 2009.

Website Icon Styles



Meh, Black is ok. Though too strong. Flags are well too overbearing. I like the idea of nation states for each project though. Either way projects should have flags and uniforms and team names. And they can fight.

Times New Roman

Its kinda awkward... which maybe I like. I can't tell yet. Too used to sans-serif.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Website Tests

I like the new non-square proportion. Im also testing to see whether when clicked the tiles only expand one to the right, as opposed to right and down as it is now. Just to keep it simpler. So the project presentation size will be like the Grand Ring rendering. Also trying to tighten up the consistency of the tiles, such that all news items will just be a wordless image, projects will be an icon over either an image or a color, and info will be, uh, something else. Anyways, generally cleaning things up. Maybe I should keep the gradient icons.

Oh the images are just stand-ins.

RN for comparison:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Family Site

Also working on the new site, though it wont be significantly different than the RN site. Actually it'll probably seem pretty identical. So I guess Im drowning in new code for kicks.

Ill send out a beta test for feedback when its ready, hopefully within a few days.

Family Badge

Working on a Family crest/badge.

Dan Deacon Poster Contest

Not to design a poster (since its already designed), but to be the first to identify all 243 characters in the poster. Some are specific folks from cartoon history, while others are just generic, like "a racoon" and "Really bad drawing of Philip Glass". If you are the winner, you get a portrait of yourself drawn by Dan! (plus some cash and back catalog stuff). Regardless, the poster is fun to look at. Proper info via Pitchfork.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dallas Facade Studies

From April 2009

Not sure yet whether the facade needs full rethinking or just a material adjustment to make it read lighter and less imposing than it does on the boards.

I like the thin version of image 3, but that will only work on non-pv / non-south facades.