Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Family Business (Cards)

The only crappy thing about Family (so many crappy things about family! am I right?!?) is that I dont like how it looks with a Times style serif. A bit too Law Firm / Italian Restaurant looking. Maybe that's a good thing?

Heh, I kinda like the first one. It looks like a flashcard, with the office info as the definition!. So poetic! (not intentional).


  1. sweeeeeeet.
    i like the second one, when it's written tiny on a blank page. i keep trying to figure out what i would think if i heard o such an office. not sure i would like the cards (makes think of doctors) but i still like the name.

    is it just me, or when u look at the word long enough it is... weird? guess it happens with every word when u repeat it too often.

  2. yeah the tiny one was the first one that came to mind but it seems a bit too cute/witty. But its still in the top choices so who knows! Any other ideas? Its actually hard to come up with a designy logo/font for Family, which is probs a good thing. Its such a funny word that it really seems like it should be pretty plain. Its odd how the name makes such a huge difference on whether a design will work.

  3. handwritten?
    such a soft word somehow. like it has a smile to it. or something motherly. home-y.
    this is not helping.
    is this like sudoku for you?! hahaha.
    are u actually making cards or just anticipating?

    i would try the old typewriter font. makes it look a bit dusty, neutral and old. less perfect.

  4. New Family logo, though I think I still like the plain Arial one the best.

  5. It would make a good stamp though.

  6. i do like it as a graphic thing, but aren't we moving out of the plain and simple realm and turning hip?

  7. you mean we should be turning hip? or that moving out of the plain and simple thing is bad?

    uh, but yes, the stampy one would certainly be hipper. and like i said, i still kinda like the boring arial one more. but sometimes i like the stampy one if the sun hits it just right.

  8. And as far as the stampy one at the top of the blog, just trying it on for size.

  9. oh, i wasn't for hip. hate the word hip. only like it in the company of hop.
    stampy is cute too. though i can imagine getting tired of it. the advantage of the simple one is that it's more durable. then again, as long as the name stays, the logo can change.

  10. I will continue to investigate, mocking up some letterheads, titleblocks, book covers, gold medals, nobel prizes, etc.

    I like Family!

  11. haha.
    just writing u same thing via email!

  12. 1 buy futura/univers/helvetty
    2 write your name in 10 pt
    3 make some architecture, ffs, ye wasters

    love, jack

  13. There's a Futura one for you Jack. And what the fuck is helvetty? Is it the adorable version of Helvetica?

  14. kinda cute-ish.
    but i am all for free fonts.
    and investing that money in dumplings.

  15. num num num
    yup, i made it sound real keut just for you
    uh-huh, jack

  16. well, by buy, y'know y'know what i means..
    same way ye bought the latest creative sweets, etc.

  17. i thought it was nom nom nom. I still kinda like arial(big Family), which is odd. Im think Im going to get pitchforked by font enthusiasts. Arial probably looks terrible in paragraphs though.

  18. i am jesting, of course - this is exactly the kind of thing i spend hours on. check out beton for paragraphs..
    do have issues with arial though, especially after 'helvetica', the film

  19. Its all rad dude. Font selecting is the joy/bane of my existence.

  20. http://ragbag.tumblr.com/post/187708731/arial-helvetica-on-friday-i-hosted-a-screening


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