Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Times New Roman

Its kinda awkward... which maybe I like. I can't tell yet. Too used to sans-serif.


  1. i like it. sans serif is so last century. times makes it look like print.

    flags and stuff - don't like the black. too rexy. too slick. and by next year, when projects will be tromping (is this a word in english too?)over news items, it will look like funeral adds. emo.
    flags are a bit too much, i still like gradients. one color? big and boring? we can actually change the backgrounds, as in add snow in christmas and stuff. what?! i really like it when web is responsive to the silly outside world.
    last one not convinced bout family@family.com. home@family? hello@family?

  2. Heh, I was just noticing that the types of images and work that looks good with Times New Roman is the kind of work I'd like to go towards. I was noticing this with the Ryan McGinley stuff. It looks good with Times (though it also looks good with sans-serif) The stuff that looks better with Helvetica than Times is the stuff Id like to move away from, ha, like all the current RN /Family work. Haha, I dont know how thats gonna happen. Now do I know what makes some work looks better with Times. More nuance? Less graphic? More atmosphere? Less slick?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Times can the be the Family barometer. Weird.


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