Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Family Site is Up!


If you find any errors please let us know in the comments.


  1. 1.the open stack project still gets stuck unfolded.
    2. in info, employment, after the address there's a lost "pdf:"
    3. when you are on info "about", the button below (for links) is still active and unfolds below the "about" section
    4.News section
    - northshore exhib. /title is incomplete
    - once unfolded, it gets stuck (you can open other items, it doesn't fold back)
    - the archinect news item is a button only in the lower half of the icon
    - 'hello summer' news item doesn't show up amongst news setion but further down with the projects
    - news don't have a loading % which is fine but it takes a few seconds 'til they load and people might not get it. or will we only have really smart users?!
    5. back to projects, for nordhaven, northshore, sunshine and i think dallas too , the short text is incomplete seems cu off (i.e. jack's surname is missing. although he can be just jack. i don't know any otehr jack's! ha)
    6. love it!
    7. you really want ur cell number up there?!
    8. that's it for now!
    WE HAVE A WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. good morning!
    some more:
    1. this is just an idea: when you go on 'about' i.e. the whole text comes up, it would be nice if you click again to return to the initial icon, the same way it happens with the projects: when you browse through all the images, you eventually return to the first.
    2. an anal one (hey, you got to cover everything, right?!): might be my eyes, but at the menu, the lines under news and contact seem one pixel (!) closer then the lines below project and info. and oh, family is still blurry.
    3. for dallas, at a second click you close the picture instead of having a 'fixed' version of icon plus title, like it happens at the projects.
    4. a thought: we could consider having also numbered images for the projects, so that you are not forced to go through all of them. although the more i think about it,it's not actually necessary. so never mind that.
    5. this is my favorite one: at the barbican news item, the line jumps! ha!
    this is fun!

  4. ahahaha when i went to fix the barbican line jump i thought i was seeing double cause i was tired but there really were actually two lines. i kept squinting and staring at it trying to figure out what the problem was. ahahahaha. sheesh.

  5. i was doubting my own eyes/ integrity too!!!

  6. and another suggestion regarding the archinect news item: can you aligned the lower right corner to the overall grid? although it's a cut out, it looks funny.

    on my screen 1280x800,with the browser full screen, you can see maybe 2-3 pixels of the 3rd row of icons. on the one hand it is good cause it shows there's something further down, on the other hand it is so little, it seems messy... you have that on all menus, except for projects.

  7. Updates:

    1. Ive changed it so that news and info items close when you click on the last slide. Same as how the Dallas Coming Soon works. It seemed weird to me to go back to the beginning slide since it would end up just swapping between two slides. Another option for the news and info items is to keep the image always on the left half and text on the right, so that you'd have to click through more 'pages' to read alot of the news. So when you do the initial click text would appear beneath the date but everything else stays the same. Though I moved away from this since I didnt like having half-slides once you clicked on a tile. Anyhoo.

    2. The menu lines were adjusted so they look more even. Its a mac v pc issue, so actually now they are numerically uneven, but visually even. I hate that.

    3. The FAMILY is still blurry because its graphics not text. At the moment its a decision between having the AM triangles align with the F and ILY or having the F and ILY more crisp. I prefer them to align. I havent found a way to get both (buy a mac).

    4. Archinect is aligned

    5. I am very sorry about the 2-3 pixels showing up on your 1280x800 monitor. I hope things start turning around for you soon.


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