Thursday, October 8, 2009

Family Test Site

Ill just keep updating it as things are made or changed. Comment on layout, actions, text, graphics, dimensions, colors, you know. Ok!


  1. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!
    ok. its kinda dark but we can call it a phase(no rainbows?!)
    as a first impression, the rectangles seem kimda big for web. at least so far when text doesn't justify the size either.
    i love nordhaven. the 'face' always makes me laugh.
    and text seems either a bit big's hard to read. u don't really differentiate between the different points. yep, too big.
    ok, more tomorrow. how's that for efficiency!

  2. as it is now the rectangles will be hard to make all that much smaller cause you dont want the slideshows (two rectangles in width) to be too small. to give you an idea, the images are the same height as the rex images (coincidence, really!) which seem if anything on the small side. but they do look a bit big when they are just tiles.

    also i am still not sure about times. its more compressed and tight looking than helvetica. kinda claustrophobic? certainly more busy. anyhoo. will keep lookin at stuff. ill leave a new comment when its updated.


    Updated with menu actions (shuffling when menu items are clicked). No slideshows yet. If you can, also look at it on a desktop.

  4. looking goood! i think the sizing is perfect, although perhaps you could make it five blocks wide, no? or three? would rather central icon, instead of a dividing line. also, as commented, i love the project icons but i they are overshadowed by the news photographs. in my opinion, the info ones are a cop-out cause there should only be type at the top before the rectangles unfold..
    my quick $0.02

  5. tottttttaly. i agree especially with the five tiles, though nobody wants a wide site. ill see what i can do. no worries about the info icons. they are just placeholders. but im stoked they bummed you out.

  6. i still think that the blocks are too big. it's difficult to have an overview, u have to keep scrolling. plus u only justify the width after u pass the first slide, after the text, when the images come up...
    then again, if we were to make them smaller it we would need probably 2 slide effect. don't like that either. the less movements, the better.

    the font is blurry and not sharp at all. what font does pixar have for their logo? this is a rather unrelated question.

    too big.
    so, has anyone seen UP yet?!!!

  7. so, my first comment.

    gernerally, i think its looking really nice. the biggest promblems i see have already been touched on. 1. that he projects are lost among the news items - i am not sure how you can remedy this, i wouldnt want you to have to desaturate ever news item as they come along, but nothing else jumps to mind as an option. other than chaning the gradiants or adding some kind of border to them neither of which seems like a good idea. 2. it would be nice if you could get a greater overview of the site when clicked on, al la radnature - amybe five wide is the best option here... maybe.

    and last a small comment, the spacing at the top seems odd, i like that it is given room to breath off of the browser bar but seems maybe a little too much. this will also help a little with the previous comment.

    otherwise i think its looking really great. and the more i look at it the less i think the overview issue is really an issue at all. take it for what its worth.

  8. keith is in the house!!!

    i actually really like the way the news mix with the projects mix with info mix with everything else.
    the project tabs easily clarifies that.

    but i am on the same page when it comes to the overview thing.


    With an alternative format. The menu on the left would function as it does now, with tiles shuffling as you click the categories. When clicked, the content would appear where the blue photo is.

    So no more sliding of one tile's info or image over another, no constant gap on the right to give space for the far-right tiles to slide, better overview of the menu tiles.

    Text will either go as blocks where the blue image is (as just another slide in the slideshow) or underneath as captions.

  10. I think I like the old/existing layout better.

  11. UPDATED:

    Five across, slightly smaller tiles, FAMILY icon, new Info tiles, new contact tile.

    Working on slideshows now.

  12. we have a logo! ahem, what's does the AM stand for?!

    i like the way the project blocks hide out of the screen when u go on contact or info. it's nice to have it simple and empty occasionally.

    size is good!!!


  13. Nothing. Its the AM in FAMILY filled to make a family of triangles. Ill post some options that might look more familial, and less like an A and M. Its in the FAMILY text in the menu as well.

  14. yeah yeah, i saw it. also when the site is loading.
    oh, i kinda liked the AM for not good reason.
    looks like dallas!


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