Tuesday, December 1, 2009

SSS Structural Assessment

From Scott Snelling, our engineer on this.

In summary, the requested load is about 3x heavier than what Scott thinks can be handled by the existing beams. Even without the added 50psf added by the insulation rooms, the dead and live load capacities required by code exceed the capacity of the structure. Im having lunch with Scott and then a call with Singing Serpent tonight and will post comments here.


  1. An important correction: I asked my friend Matt in San Diego who is also a structural engineer (on buildings, no less) and he pointed out that Scott's calculations were off by a factor of two due to an arithmetic error. This means that instead of being 3-6 times too heavy, we are only 1.5-3 times too heavy.

    Still no doable in the big open space where the spans are 25', but good to know.

    AND after seeing the site and meeting with Dennis, we discussed the possibility of locating the isolation room in the front where there are more partitions and load bearing walls. The large room in the front has a span of 14', and assuming (will check) it has the same 2x12 wood structure, should work just fine for the added weight of the iso.

    This may actually be a better direction as it will open up the possibilities of the back room a bit more.

    In the back we will need 3 project studios which will still be insulated, independent rooms or boxes. The insulation wont need to be nearly as heavy as the iso room so it shouldnt be a problem.

    Dennis also seems inclined to want enclosed offices, which I am trying to convince him out of. I think we may be able to use the project room boxes, plus perhaps a storage box and a kitchen/bathroom box to create semi-private work areas and meeting rooms in the spaces between the boxes. A mini SANAA/Sou box village. For music making.

  2. I was wondering if you heard from Matt...
    Did you talk to about Scott this?
    Anyways, so are they still taking the space?

    I'll make it home (home home) only tonight, and could chat after 6pm ur time. If it's too late for you we could also do it on Monday, whenever it suits you.


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