Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

SSS 98 Forsyth Existing Plan

The existing floorplan of 98 Forsyth, the proposed new home for the Singing Serpent Studios. It is on the second floor, above retail and below residential. I will include photos after the site visit.

Oh Keith and Jack, FAMILY has been asked to help with the design of a studio space for Singing Serpent, a sound production (I dont know what you call them actually) studio that is moving their New York offices from midtown to lower east side. The primary challenge will be to build up a sound isolation room or rooms within the space. Next week we'll be doing a walkthrough with a structural engineer to determine if the existing beams can support the added loads.

FAMILY's first commission?!?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mountain Day

Top Gear made it to Romania - in one of the sweetest snowboarding places (one winter I walked all of that and then some!). yeah. season 14 episode 1


Pics here

Friday, November 13, 2009

More Facade Renders Part 3


Maxxi is cute (pics soon), Zaha threw a fit, Kanye is in Rome (featuring pink sneakers!) and you won't believe what happened in the plane today...

Good thing its Friday


From an exhibit of Nendo's work at the Museum of Arts and Design. I still need to go there.

Roof Ridge Solar Heater

I like that this is so no-big-deal designwise.

From Treehugger:
Sometimes the most impressive products at Greenbuild are the most innocuous and boring looking things; last year I thought the best of show was Agriboard, a SIP made from straw. This year I spent some time trying to figure out this ridge vent for a standard shingled roof with tubes running through it, thinking that there wasn't much surface area on it and it isn't going to do much. Then I realized that all of the heat in an attic runs through the ridge vent and this thing turns your entire roof into a solar collector.

As much as 25% of the energy consumed in a house goes to making hot water, and as we have shown before, it costs a tenth as much to generate a watt of power from the sun to heat water as it does to make electricity, so it makes a lot of sense to do this first. The Greenward solar ridge vent may tilt the economics even more, since you already own about 90% of the system- the roof of the house.

As the sun beats down on those dark grey shingles, the heat rises and flows out through the ridge vent around PEX plastic tubes, heating an ethylene glycol and water mixture that is pumped down to a heat exchanger, preheating the water before it gets to the water heater. The existing hot water heater only fires up when needed.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dumb Dallas

Dallas Peaks uses produces

a lot of energy

DALLAS slide 2.0

I just took the most complicated way to upload a pdf on the blog. sucks.

anyway, here's the detailed entry from fw dallas. i hadn't seen it before.

and now us:

JDS Agenda Text

This JDS description of their new book Agenda, is what I feel like alot of our (or at least my) text reads like. And its something that would be good to avoid. Very fluffy.

AGENDA is an architecture book that occupies the territory between a monograph, a diary, and a collection of essays, interviews, and conversations. At its most harmless AGENDA is a catalog of 365 days, like a diary or journal: a collective narrative, personal and subjective. It documents the work and thinking of JDS Architects over a specific year marked by crisis, beginning on September 15th, 2008, the day that Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. The form of the book exploits the double meaning of its title, presenting the absurdities of day-to-day architectural practice while also staking our intent.

Rather than a definitive direction, our agenda is a definitive attitude - of eagerness, enthusiasm, and optimism, of criticality and concern, of fun and inquiry. It is a directive, a motivation to act, at times without clear knowledge of where our agenda will lead. “Change,” the buzzword of the last U.S. presidential campaign, is the order of the day, and the task of AGENDA is to explore what kind of change will be needed if architects are to assume a political and social agency in this new landscape.

Bringing together diverse forms of content, AGENDA is a product of vigilant observation, introspection, and engagement with outside thinkers and collaborators - artists, curators, politicians, authors, economists, journalists, developers, educators, and architects.

AGENDA is a record of search and research, providing more questions than answers.

AGENDA is unapologetically naive.

AGENDA is an unorthodox architecture novel.

AGENDA demystifies the practice of architecture, revealing process, research, fun, and failure.

AGENDA looks to both the past and the future.


There will be book launch parties in Rotterdam on 20 November, Oslo on 28 November, Brussels on 3 December, and New York City on 10 December.

Launches in Copenhagen, Paris, Barcelona, and London will follow in early 2010. More details about the launch parties and about how to obtain your own copy of AGENDA will be posted soon. AGENDA will be available worldwide in December.

Strikethrough strikes back

Dallas Peaks consumes produces

more energy than it uses

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Smokey Please

Good for trees? And bear heads.

Family Bookstore


Strikethrough Comment


This isnt quite the right sentence, but I still like the strikethrough technique.

DALLAS slide draft 1

obviously text and diagrams would be in some cases different, renderings added. but this is to see the flow

Magic Highway

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More Facade Renders Part 2

Family (of) Peaks!

The facade on the tallest peak in the very back looks sweet. Though its a rendering effect not the actual geometry.